POWERTOOLS is a authentic and original innovative line of additives for professional hair color and chemical services, aimed to solve any problems you face in the salon. Color and chemical servicing becomes easier, cleaner and faster. You will achieve better, long-lasting results and your clients will receive a more comfortable experience. They will love you for it! Available at Cosmoprof and Professional Distributors Nationwide
Check out all our products on our POWERTOOLS Catalog
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Hair Color Additives
Mix With Any Manufacturer’s Color & Lightener
Combine Products Together To Customize Service
Color Bar Essentials Set
Contains 5 of the main POWERTOOL items. All of which are essential to any salons or stylist's color bar area. Upon purchasing our "Color Bar Essentials Set", stylists will have the tools at their disposal to deal with any of the everyday salon challenges.
Salon Essentials
Must haves for any booth owner and operator.